Mindful Pleasure | Body Alive

a body-based approach to wellness

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” 

- Anaïs Nin

upcoming workshops

Somatic breathwork journey

Somatic Breathwork is a transformative practice that holds the key to unlocking tension, stress, emotions and trauma that might be stuck in the physical body.

Somatic Breathwork is a two hour experience that begins with simple grounding, intention setting followed by a supported lying down position; then we begin active breathing for an extended period of time (30-40 minutes), ending with relaxation, integration and reflection.

All level practitioners are welcome. However, this practice is not for everyone.  

Contraindications for this practice include: high blood pressure (that is not treated with medication), diagnosis of bipolar, schizophrenia or any history of psychiatric hospitalization, and epilepsy. Additionally, if you experience any cardiovascular conditions or brain/neurological conditions, please consult with your doctor before committing to this practice. 


March 24, 2024
1pm – 3pm

True North Yoga
1512 N. 10th St.
Boise, Idaho

remembering what is essential

embodying the sensual

It is my belief that the greatest gift we can receive is the gift of ease and belonging in our own body, regardless of where we’ve been or what we’ve been through.

Our bodies contain vast stores of knowledge: a perfect record of all our memories, triumphs, failures and feats. Every surprise, every ecstasy, every barely escaped danger – are all stored in the wondrous intelligence that is our body.

There is magic in that – and yet, there’s also tragedy. Many folks learn that it’s not safe to inhabit their body for a variety of reasons. Many are numbed or disassociated, unable to access their body’s amazing capacity for pleasure and healing.

  I believe it is through the body that transformation is found. The body does not lie, and therefore is the guide to our deepest truths.

It is through radical acceptance of our deepest, most essential nature as animal-bodied creatures designed for pleasure, connection, intimacy and sensuality that we reclaim our bodies, and ourselves.

meet your practitioner

Sherika tenaya

Having been raised in a religiously oppressive environment that held no room for my sexuality, I have become a strong advocate for authentic Selfhood and sex positivity in all its forms. For me, there is no higher value than honoring the natural, organic beauty that is the human condition, essential to which is our sexual nature. Therefore, I thrive when I facilitate meaningful experiences for people to explore their own unique sexual expression and support them in honoring whatever that expression may look like. 

How May I Help You?

I offer a variety of services to help you connect with yourself in powerful ways. Whether individually or as a group, online or in-person, there is something here for everyone.


Somatic sex education

Somatic Sex Education is designed to nourish, deepen and awaken the sensual self



A powerful way to reconnect with the body in a safe and health optimizing way.



Opportunities to connect with others in a safe enough container through innovative, one-of-a-kind experiential workshops.